[Ep. 30] How to change user behavior? w/ Alexandria Stried @Cerebral
After her first #PM role at @WeightWatchers , Alex was hooked. She developed her career focusing on building products that enable users to change behaviors - from WeightWatchers (healthy behaviors), @Ellevest (financial empowerment), to Cerebral (mental wellbeing). Join us to hear Alex's experience on what makes a great PM, from both an IC and manager perspective.
0:00 Wearing many hats
2:49 Joining as a #productmanager @WeightWatchers
4:27 To get promoted, work on things that move the needle for your company
7:47 How to ask for feedback from your manager
9:40 Is it better to be a #pm generalist or a specialist?
10:50 How to nudge #behavioralchange for users? @Ellevest
18:40 What makes an exceptional PM?
21:10 Difference between PM vs PMM
22:30 Setting a vision for your team
24:20 Killing a product
27:40 Weighing between priorities
29:00 Jumping to a new role/company
32:48 Finding new career opportunities @LinkedIn
34:00 Being up front with your salary expectations